Issue 1 (digital)
£5.00 - £15.00
Dysfluent Issue 1 is an introduction to what it means to be a person who stammers. Support upcoming issues by purchasing this digital copy with a donation.
Use code DIGITAL50 to get 50% off the digital version of Issue 1 when pre-ordering Issue 2 or Typographic posters.
Stammering or stuttering?
An introduction to the dysfluency, and a guideline to understand the world of a person who stammers.
Visualising the verbal
A look at Dysfluent Mono, a custom-made typeface/font designed to represent the interviewees’ unique voices.
James Connolly
Dublin native, now living in Berlin and a person who stammers.
Mark Dupré
Classical cellist and photographer living in Tallin and a person who stammers.
Veronica & Bevin Murphy
Mother and daughter who both stammer, and are members of the Irish Stammering Association (ISA).
Dr. Jonathon Linklater
Independent speech and language therapist, Development Manager of ISA and Past Chair of the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapist, who also stammers.
Benjamin Cleary
Director of STUTTERER, the Oscar-winning short film. Benjamin doesn’t stammer.
This is a digital copy of Dysfluent Issue 1 distributed July 2022. Copyright 2022 © Dysfluent Magazine. All rights reserved.
60-page digital copy
Set in Dysfluent Mono by Dysfluent
and Spectral by Production Type
Printed edition first published 2020.